The New

Our current school premises, spanning approximately 14,520 square feet, struggle
to accommodate over 800 students. The classrooms, built from softwood, are
vulnerable to termite damage, making learning environments less than ideal.
Imagine the sound of rain on tin roofs disrupting lessons, or the stifling heat
during warm months due to overcrowding.
Moreover, essential facilities like an indoor
kitchen, dining hall, and proper sanitation are absent. Students currently eat outdoors
or in cramped classrooms, with over 10,000 meals prepared weekly over open fires.
Critical areas such as a library, medical clinic, and playing field are entirely lacking.

The new school will feature a four-story main building and a separate commercial kitchen and food storage.
Construction of the new school will cost approximately $2,651,739 to complete. The cost includes an underground water harvesting tank, security perimeter, and furnishings at just $52 per square foot.
We are proud to share that as of March 2023, we have made significant progress on the project! We have successfully shelled the main building up to the fourth floor, installed the roof, and completed the first floor of the kitchen building.
The following steps in construction include paint, kitchen equipment, landscaping, and furniture. We are working hard to raise the remaining $261,652 needed to open the school.
The Build a Legacy Campaign is designed to allow your family to partner with us, invest in the lives of our students, and create a family legacy built on generosity and faith. By making a pledge to sponsor one of the Legacy projects listed below, you'll enable us to fund a portion of the new school.
In an effort to instill the importance of God's Word in our students, Build a Legacy donors will have the opportunity to select a Bible verse to adorn the walls of the new school. This verse will serve as a source of hope and encouragement for our students and staff for generations to come. Each donor will be recognized alongside their selected verse. Whether your name, your family's name, or in honor of a loved one, these names will serve as daily reminders of the many people who have supported us.
Please consider making a commitment towards this project today. Together, we can create a legacy of hope, faith, and opportunity for Uganda's children.