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 M I S S I O N T R I P S 


The Imani Milele Children short term mission teams accomplish long term impact by building and renovating schools and playground structures.


The mission team members help in empowering students through kids resource ministries and by providing desperately needed pop-up medical clinics for rural communities.


The construction projects for the mission is to fund and construct permanent brick classrooms for the Imani Milele schools located in Kitongo (pronounced "Chi-ton-go") in the Mubende district, Uganda.


Our hearts are particularly broken for the children of Kitongo. The poverty there is the most extreme that our team has seen. Though there were smiles on the faces, of the children, the school structures are in urgent need of replacement.


The cost for each new brick school room is about $30,000 and will bring safety and education to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Uganda East Africa.


We have been told that the Imani Milele Children's Mission Uganda Medical Clinic is the largest that Kitongo has ever seen!


About 3,000 to 4,000 people are treated annually in our many make-shift clinics for dentistry, HIV/Aids testing and education, laboratory, adult general medical, pediatric general medical, intensive care unit, surgery, pharmacy, optical and gynecological.

Would you please consider partnering with us to make a difference in child's life in Africa? Any gift given will help us collectively impact the lives of the beautiful children of Uganda.


Mission Team members partner with our Imani Milele teaching staff to bring fun-filled programs to children in rural villages through VBS-style children's programs. These mission programs teach children about health, art and the value of knowing Jesus.


We resource needy children with shoes, hygiene education and essential hygiene items like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, reusable feminine hygiene kits and more.


You will visit your sponsored child at their school! You will use your career skills as a teacher, nurse, contractor, business leader, doctor, pastor, chef, and more, to be a part of impacting change -  an experience you will never forget.


Missions are both fun and hard work! The payoffs in blessings make it worth all the effort. Your faith will be tested before and during the mission. God will use this to shape you. All He needs is a willing heart!


By utilizing your unique skills, you could help energize the ongoing work of Imani Milele Children as we care for the needs of orphaned and at-risk children all across the most remote Ugandan villages.


Ready to join the team? Contact us, using the button below. We will be sure to get you all the training and resources necessary to get started.

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